Jasmine: We can sing that song you were singing in English too.
Jed: Was that song you were singing head shoulders knees and toes?
Jasmine: I liked the song you were singing because it was a good song to sing.
Jed: I liked your accent because you spoke it in a good way.
Jasmine: We can sing that song you were singing in English too.
Jed: Was that song you were singing head shoulders knees and toes?
Jasmine: I liked the song you were singing because it was a good song to sing.
Jed: I liked your accent because you spoke it in a good way.
Yes, it is head, shoulders, knees and toes but it says: hair, shoulder, wrist, knee and foot.
Alice: We are sending a video of us singing your song in English. Is this the same song as the one you sang on your video?
The video is gone, sorry we didn’t see it. We are sure you did a great job.