Dual Language Immersion students converse with Stevie
Our school, Benito Juarez Elementary, is a dual language immersion school. Students start learning Spanish in kindergarten and are taught in both Spanish and English. When Steve Serio skyped with our students, he shared about the many places he has traveled to outside the United States because of his basketball…
Jessie begins to advocate for Wellness & Wellbeing
Jessie started to advocate wellness & wellbeing with the Brave Bears. First, Jessie enjoyed a well-served nap. Young learners need a good sleep/rest to be productive at school. Jessie is promoting for #goodhealth and #wellbeing. Getting a deserve nap in the afternoon. @prek1a #sisrocks #siseccrocks #globaledted pic.twitter.com/CHSaUlyWQW — Ann Lopez-Toyoh…