Freddy’s Day Out – Meeting a Community Helper and Other Exciting Moments

Yesterday, Freddy spent his morning at the Mongol Post. He met one of Ulaanbaatar’s community helpers – a postal worker. She was very nice, and she allowed Freddy to take a selfie inside the post office. Freddy posted Christmas decorations to Year 3 friends living in Queensland, Australia. From there, he visited the Gobi CafĂ©, and Freddy was introduced to steaming Mongolian milk tea. It was made with black tea, milk, rice, and a sprinkling of salt.

Freddy then boarded his friend’s taxi, and drove around the city. In the evening, he made another selfie, surrounded by strange fruits not available in Bearlandia.

At the Mongol Post

At the Mongol Post


I am very light.


Mongolian milk tea – smells nice.


That’s the gate to the Marshall’s residence.


That’s School #1.


A giant kiwi slice and all sorts of fruits imported from other countries. Mongolia grows some fruits. Summer and early autumn are the best times to harvest wild berries such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and seabuckthorn.



  1. Dear Freddy,

    How big is the kiwi? How did it grow that big? Is it record-breaking? How heavy is it?
    Could you send us the recipe for your milk tea and your pink soup?
    What are seabuckthorn?
    How warm is it this season? How cold is it?
    Does it rain a lot? If it does, does it make things grow big?
    Is their a lot of people in your class? How big is the school you are visiting?

    Your Phoenix kids

    • Hello again, Phoenix Kids,
      Oh, the kiwi? That was a pillow! There’s also a watermelon one. But the rest were all real fruits.
      Seabuckthorn is an orange-colored berry. Only found here in Mongolia and parts of Russia. It is valued for its taste and medicinal properties, lots of vitamin C in it. People extract oil from it, too, and use it in making beauty products. One of my friend’s sister, who was scalded by boiling-hot water when she was a little girl, had only seabuckthorn oil to treat the thick, ugly scars on her face. Now, her face is very smooth, and there is no trace of the scars, at all.

      For us living here, this is still warm, even if it is 24F. But because we live in Mongolia, we need to wrap up in warm clothing. Weather can change easily and fast. Better warm than frozen. Winter can be cold, dry cold, at -40/-40F or even lower at -50C/-58F.

      In spring, we get lots more snow than winter. That means we’ll have lots of water for the grass to grow during summer, when the ice melts. Many things are also grown in greenhouses.

      As for the classes, there are two first grade classes. One has nine students, and the other one has 11. We did lots of fun things.

      See you later,

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