Day 1 in South Africa

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YEAH!!!!! Jessie just arrived at the American International School of Johannesburg in South Africa. When we saw the box, we got SOOOOO excited! But our teacher was mean. First, she made us come up with some rules about how we would care for Jessie.

When we opened the box, we loved her at the very first milisecond. We think she is beautiful. We went through her passport and put pictures of Jessie on the world map to figure out all the places she’s been.

Tonight, she is going to Irisha’s house because Irisha is moving back home to India in a few days. Irisha is going to show Jessie around to her friends so Jessie can make a lot of new friends.

Thanks to all the other great schools who have taken care of her and given us a videos full of good advice.

One Comment:

  1. Rules are good! Enjoy your time with Jessie! Hope we can make the Skype work! 🙂

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