Welcome to Taipei American School, Bobby!

Hello Everybody!

We are Ms. Yeung’s kindergarten class! We live in Taipei, Taiwan and attend Taipei American School. Bobby visited us for just five school days and we did our best to keep him very, very busy! Read on!

The Fourth Grade Flea Market

The first thing we wanted to show Bobby was how much we care about our community! On his first day at school, we took Bobby to the Fourth Grade Flea Market. Each year, the fourth graders at T.A.S. hold a Flea Market sale to raise money for St. Anne’s Home in Taipei. It was crowded and busy at the Flea Market that day, but we did manage to find a little buddy for Bobby to bring along with him on his travels. The little guy is red, calls Big Bird his friend, and writes his name with a capital ‘E’. Yup, you guessed it! It was Elmo and he’s ready for an adventure!Kindergarten Friends and MORE!

In addition to Elmo and his people friends in the kindergarten classroom, Bobby also met Rocky (guinea pig) for a day and bonded with Simba the dog. Simba the dog is our class mascot and also a very experienced traveler. Simba sleeps over at his kindergarten friends’ houses and keeps a travel journal to document the fun he has each week. Needless to say, Bobby and Simba had a lot in common and ended up doing everything together this week! Friends Forever XOXO!

100 Days of School
Bobby was at T.A.S. for the 100 Days of school celebration! We celebrated this special day by making necklaces with 100 Cheerios, making rams for the New Year with 100 prints, and crafting 100 Days hats and glasses. Happy 100 Days of school!

Character Assembly
This week, we finally attended our first auditorium rehearsals for the Character Assembly. Bobby and Simba were, of course, watching and supporting us quietly throughout rehearsals. At the Character Assembly next week, we will be expected to stand on a big stage and sing the Respect song for students, parents, and teachers. The Respect song is a song that reminds us treat others the way we want to be treated. You know what the funny thing is? We’re not feeling nervous about the performance at all and it’s probably because we reeeaaalllly, reeeaaalllly love this song. Check it out!

IASAS Basketball
This year, IASAS Basketball was held at Taipei American School! Bobby and Simba came with us to cheer for our Varsity Boys and Girls teams. We brought our noise makers and tiger spirit and made sure our home teams heard our support! GOOOOO TIGERS!!!

Thank you, Bobby!
To celebrate the five fabulous days we shared with Bobby at T.A.S., we made a necklace for him with five beads – one of each day. If Bobby travels your way, please add your own beads to the necklace and represent your fabulous school days with Bobby!

Travel safe, Bobby! See you soon!

Ms. Yeung’s Kindergarten Class
Taipei American School
Taipei, Taiwan

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