wander4wonder1’s Post on Monday, March 9, 2015

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Freddy arrived at our school just as we were introducing new Kindergarten centres. This was great because it meant we could explore some new ways to learn right alongside Freddy!

In our Kindergarten community we spend the first hour of each day learning through play. Freddy learned that he needed to stay for at least 15 minutes at a centre before choosing a new one. By staying for a longer time at a centre, Freddy could sink in deeper to his learning and develop something called ‘stamina’.

Freddy started at the fine motor centre. He learned how to safely use a hammer and nails. It was tricky to hold the nails and hammer with his paws, but he learned that a little teamwork can make a challenging task a bit easier!

Although Freddy has only been with us one day, we already feel like he is an important part of our learning community! Freddy is excited to try out some of the other centres during his week with us and we can’t wait to teach him all we have been exploring as part of our Inquiry into Superheroes!

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