Jessie’s Second Day with PLC Armidale Pre-K

As part of our Weather unit of inquiry, Pre-K have been taking a closer look at changing seasons. It is Autumn (fall) here in Australia. Today Pre-K collected Autumn leaves and showed Jessie how to create ephemeral artworks using natural materials.



Jessie joined us dancing and acting out rhymes.

Jessie danced with Pre-K and Bar Bar.

Jessie went on an imaginary bus trip over the hills to the beach with her new Pre-K  and animals friends.

She joined us for morning tea and lunch.


Jessie was most impressed with the healthy meals.

Time was spent creating portraits of Jessie Bear.



Jessie was given a dandelion flower to wear for the afternoon.

We look forward to going on a Teddy Bears picnic with Jessie Bear tomorrow.

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