Freddy’s Adventures at Chinese International School in Hong Kong

Freddy has had a terrific time getting to know the Year 1 Students at Chinese International School in Hong Kong. He arrived in early March and spent several weeks visiting us.

Because everyone at CIS has a Chinese name, we decided to give Freddy one as well. It is 福迪. Watch this video to learn how to say it, what it means and even how to write it in Chinese characters!

Freddy has also joined us in our daily activities and lives including science experiments, reading, writing, mathematics and PE. Freddy even joined us on a day out with the Y1 students at HK Park using his senses to explore the surroundings – especially his senses of sight, smell and hearing. You can see more of what Freddy did at CIS here:

We are sending him on his way with some gifts. To remember CIS, Freddy has two pins – one with our school logo and another with our school mascot, the Phoenix. He also received a CIS lanyard. To remember Hong Kong and the current Year of the Monkey, we gave Freddy a Chinese monkey to travel with. Now he won’t be lonely while travelling! He was also especially grateful to receive some finger-knit necklaces from several students. Here is Freddy wearing his new CIS “bling.” He is sitting with his monkey and our CIS bear.

Freddy with CIS Bling and Friends

We are sad to say goodbye to Freddy, but cannot wait to see what he gets up to at the International School of Kuala Lumpur!

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