Jerry’s Time in Ellington, CT

Jerry arrived at Windermere School after winter break here in Ellington, Connecticut!  He spent his first two weeks in a first grade classroom, learning and teaching us about reducing waste and recycling!  He then traveled across the school to a kindergarten classroom!

In first grade, Jerry had many adventures!  Here are just a few things we got to learn about and do while Jerry was here:

The first graders were SO excited to meet Jerry!  We decided that after Jerry was in sunny California, he may need some new warmer clothes to help him with our cold New England winter weather!

Jerry got us all very excited to learn more about reducing waste and recycling!  We read some books to help us learn more and got to teach Jerry about our recycling program here at Windermere School!

Jerry got to participate in one of our favorite PBIS rewards while he was here:  Stuffy Day!! Everyone got to bring in their favorite stuffed animal as a whole class reward!  Jerry LOVED meeting all of his new stuffy friends!

When we first met Jerry we decided that Jerry needed some new winter clothes to help him brave our cold weather, so we decided that we would use recycled materials to design and create some new winter clothes for Jerry.  Here are some pictures of us designing, redesigning, and creating new clothing for Jerry in our Makerspace room:

Designing their outfits and planning what materials we can use:

Creating and redesigning as Jerry looks on:

After two days of creating and redesigning, Jerry’s final outfit looks fabulous!  He has new trousers made out of a recycled paper bag, a few new hats made out of recycled cups, tin foil and paper, and new mittens made out of recycled egg cartons.  He also has a new pair of earmuffs made out of recycled cardboard and cotton balls so that his ears can stay warm in this cold weather!

Jerry arrives in Kindergarten!

When Jerry arrived he was very hungry! He was able to eat snack with us and tried Goldfish crackers for the first time. He really enjoyed learning about the different foods that we enjoy.

One day Jerry was able to work with a student during our Writer’s Workshop time. We were working on using transition words like First, Next, Then and Last. We were using the book, “We’re Going On a Bear Hunt,” and Jerry really enjoyed his writing time very much.

Jerry helped us learn about the importance of the 3R’s-Reduce,Reuse and Recycle. We have started to think about ways that we can make our school and Earth a cleaner and more beautiful place to live and learn!

Jerry asked if he could take a picture with a student that was wearing our school mascot. We are the Windermere Whales and we RISE to the top!! He even learned our school pledge.

We loved having Jerry visit us in Connecticut! We will miss him and hope he has a great time in Switzerland!

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