Jacky Bear from #SISRocks

Finally, Shekou International School (SIS) bear has joined #GlobalEdTed! SIS Bear has been created 5 years ago. The bear has been given to teachers as a token of appreciation by PSA. Some SIS bears were kept in the office and displayed in the hallways. These bears have been seeing students come and go. So, one of them bravely asked if he can travel. Fortunately, #globaledted needs a bear because Jessie Bear needs more time to rest and relax.

Prior to joining #GlobalEdTed, his friends from the Super Sharks’ class given him a name. The Super Sharks suggested names were Tom, Jerry, Jacky, and Jay. They happily and excitedly cast their votes.

With the votes results, the names selections were narrowed down to two. Jerry was leading, however we had a few Sharks away and we needed to hear their voices as well.

…and the winner is Jacky.

The Super Sharks hope Jacky a safe journey and a fun full filled of learning wherever he goes.

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