Jacky loves to play!

Being healthy means we look after all the different parts of our body.

We look after our brain by being imaginative and creative. Jacky created his own books and read books with his EY3 friends which took lots of imagination! Jacky also helped build with Mobilo. Jacky had to think carefully about his choices of color and parts in order to make his creation.

A really big part of good health is being active every day. Jacky loved his chance to use all his big and small muscles when playing with his EY3 friends.

Eating a healthy lunch is an excellent way to get the nutrients our body needs to be healthy and strong. It’s important to listen to the signals your body is sending you and only eat as much as you need. Check your plate – is there a rainbow of colours? Eating different coloured foods means your body has a balance of minerals and vitamins.

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