Barney Visits Uxbridge, Ontario

Barney arrived to Uxbridge Public School in Ontario, Canada near the end of November and the kids were so excited to meet and look after him for a month! Each student in our grade 3 classroom took turns looking after Barney for half a day where he joined in on classroom activities, adventures and explorations.

Volcano demonstration

On Barney’s first day in grade 3, he got to see a student presenting their natural forces project. The student presented a volcano demonstration and even included some homemade lava! Cool!

Barney is helping Bennett with his math skills on Prodigy
Now, it’s time to help Lucas with Prodigy

Barney greatly enjoyed helping students with math questions while they put their skills to the test on Prodigy. Barney also enjoyed when students read him stories and included him in French vocabulary games.

Frankie is reading a story to Barney
Barney helping students during the game Blurt

Barney learned, along with the rest of the students, about the three parts of Ontario and what makes Ontario a nice place to live. Barney also learned about types of jobs in Ontario and different towns for our social studies unit.

Barney was shocked at the amount of snow that he saw during his visit. He learned that students love to make forts and play in the snow during recess time.

During Barney’s visit, just before the holiday break, he joined the students in an escape room activity where using the clues in their team, the students had to solve what reindeer was missing from Santa’s sleigh team. All of the students succeeded and earned a special treat for working well together and solving all of the clues.

Barney is taking a turn trying to unlock the lock box for the escape room
Students are working hard to solve their clues
The students figured it out and “escaped!”

The students loved having Barney being a part of our class for a month and cannot wait to see what other adventures he will get up to this year. We will miss you Barney! Goodbye!

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