SDG#12: Responsible Consumption

Earth Day_SDG12
Hello from Barney and KCS teachers! Every day we practice Responsible Consumption by reducing single-use plastic waste and keeping plastic out of our landfills.
What reusable and repurposed items do you recognize in these photos?

We are finishing our third month of citywide school closures here in Saigon, and poor Barney has yet to meet any of our KCS children! The good news is, Barney has been happy and healthy during the Covid19 crisis, and he is grateful to be in a country that keeps people (and teddy bears) safe.

Today is Earth Day! Barney is helping our teachers to spread the word about SDG #12 Responsible Consumption. To show collective love to the Earth while physical distancing, our team would like to share with you a few ways to keep plastic waste out of landfills and oceans. Let’s play “I Spy”! Look at the photos above and see if you can find these eco-responsible items:

• a reusable shopping bag

• a reusable drinking straw

• a reusable cloth diaper

• a reusable face mask

• a reusable water bottle

• reusable food wrap

• repurposed plastic bottles & glass jars –> What can we make with these containers instead of throwing them away?

• BONUS: Can you find a coaster made from plastic bags?

• DOUBLE BONUS: Can you find 2 “eco-bricks”?

If you’re not sure what an “eco-brick” is, check out this cool website: to learn how to keep plastic waste out of landfills. Here’s a great intro:

Join Barney as he helps our teachers make an eco-brick using plastic water bottles and snack wrappers collected in the classroom. How can you help to keep plastic waste from ending up in our landfills?

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